Конференция «ИТНО 2024» – IX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Innovative technologies in science and education» «ITSE 2022» Conference
XII International Scientific and Practical Conference

Innovative technologies in science and education

«ITSE 2024» Conference, 02-08 September, 2024
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Dear Colleagues!

On the September, 2024 Don State Technical University, Faculty of Agribusiness, together with Agricultural research center «Donskoy», Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Territorial cluster «Dolina Dona», with the support of Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Rostov Region, as well as industrial partners «Lemken», «Wintersteiger», «Amazonen-Werke», «Rostselmash» and Agrotechnological holding «Bizon» carry out an annual XII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Innovative technologies in science and education» («ITSE 2024» Conference) using remote technology within the framework of the third specialized regional exhibition «Don Field Day». Following the conference, a collection of scientific papers by the RSCI will be published with the assignment of a digital identifier DOI. Also, the participants of the «ITSE 2024» Conference will have the opportunity to publish articles in journals indexed by the bibliographic databases Web of Science and Scopus. Main part of the «ITSE 2024» Conference will take place in SRSC «Raduga»: 353490, Krasnodar region, Gelendzhik district, Divnomorskoe village, st. Primorskaya, 10a.

Made decision to participate in the «ITSE 2024» Conference?

Send the completed application to agro.conf@donstu.com